The course is fully online, and will allow you to achieve your Master degree studying from home and following the online interactive live classes. This Master's course is structured in 2 parts: Theory (4 semesters) and Practice (2 semesters). After completing both parts of the training there will be a case study thesis presentation and examination to achieve the Diploma.
2 x 2hr Theory Classes
1 x 8-hr Practical Class
x 36 months
- M.P.R. Diagnosis
a) Postural
Oculo-motor system
Foot support
· Introduction to Postural Craniofacial Orthopedics.
· How to interact with specialists of different health sciences disciplines
· Growth Determining Factors
· Craniofacial and postural clinical cephalometry
· Study of static models
· Study of models in articulator
· Therapeutic postural mandibular position change, (essential maneuver in craniofacial orthopedics) postural technique
· TMJ in Postural Craniofacial Orthopaedics
· Design and construction of M.P.R. devices
· Device Activation
· Functional Biomechanical M.P.R. orthodontics
How it affects posture and viceversa
How Biochemical imbalance affects posture and rehabilitation
d) Posturometric and Stabilometric
Measuring Postural Pathology
Diagnosis, treatment planning and evolution
- Correlation between stomatognathic system and posture
- M.P.R. Interdisciplinary Protocol
- Craniofacial growth centers
- Upper maxillary growth
- Lower maxillary growth
- Growth of the middle third of the face
- Local Factors
- Changes in the chondrocranial ossification
- Changes in the democranial ossification
· Etiology of abnormalities
- Hereditary Anomalies
- Acquired Anomalies
· Diagnosis and Therapeutic Planning
- Global Diagnosis
a) Correlation between postural alterations and craniofacial development
b) Interrelation between the oculomotor system and the stomatognathic system
c) Interrelation between foot support and the stomatognathic system
d) Influence of biochemistry on growth
- Craniofacial Diagnosis
a) Face and skull exploration
b) Soft tissues analysis
Lip frenulum
Mucous membrane
Stomatognathic analysis in occlusion and at rest
Tongue Position
Negative habits
Neuromuscular Analysis
Postural habits
· Clinical Posturometry and postural craniofacial Orthopaedics
- Lateral teleradiography
- Anteroposterior teleradiography
- Panoramic oral x-ray
- Planning
- Brackets
- Arches
- Ligatures
- Cement
- Microplanes in Orthodontics
- Activation in typodont and patients
· Functional osteopathic maneuvers to aid orthopedic therapy
· Myofunctional therapy
· Postural ergonomics
· Proprioceptive exercises
· Craniofacial therapy associated with craniofacial orthopedics
· Clinical and posturometric analysis
· Occlusal analysis
· Associated biochemical therapy for orthopedics
· M.P.R. needle-free mesotherapy
· Dental laboratory notions for M.P.R.
- Functional Postural Regulator History and Construction
- Dental Laboratory communication
- Plaster models and the articulator
- Design and pre-activation Interpretation
- Static and dynamic waxing
- M.P.R. Regulator Construction
a) The resin body (characteristics of the resins)
b) Wire elements (characteristics of the various types of wires)
c) Assembly: arch, lip bumper, central spring
d) Regulator cut and polish
Attendance requirements: 90% Theory Courses
100% Practical Courses